Sunday, August 26, 2012

Jumbled Update

I received my first paycheck in over a year this week. I could have hugged the accountant at work when he gave it to me!

Our first bills for our new place have started rolling in to go along with that first paycheck. Rent is due in a few days, my car payment is going out tomorrow (not a new expense, but still a monthly pain!), gas and electric are getting paid this week, cable will pop up soon I'm sure, and my car could use gas in the next week or two. There went my check! As overwhelming as it is to have all of these expenses again, there is a sense of pride in paying them. I know that feeling will wear off in no time though and bills will just be a pain.

It's still weird to not be starting school this time of year. I'm relieved for it honestly, but to not be buying notebooks and getting geared up for the start of class tomorrow is still odd, especially when I see so many of my friends on Facebook getting ready. So to all those beginning another academic year tomorrow, whether as a student or a teacher- good luck!!

Alyssa and I successfully hosted our first little gathering at our new place last night. We had a couple of sisters and a friend over for dinner and some boardgames. Aside from the fact that it was approximately 150 degrees in our apartment, it was a great evening and it was nice to spend time with everyone. We've started planning our house blessing with the sisters too, so stay tuned for that!

My first cold of the season has hit, and thankfully it doesn't seem to be too bad and I was able to nap a bit this weekend to help it along. It started yesterday morning with a sore throat, which has calmed down a bit but is still hanging on. And I still feel blah and stuffy, but I know it could be way worse so I'm happy for that much!

Gearing up for another week of work, and a long weekend at the end of it, woohoo! I might be heading home for the weekend too which would be nice but 8 hours of driving in the span of 4 days is a bear! We'll see how I feel later in the week :)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Brace Yourselves...It's an Election Year

I'll tell you right now that I am not a fan of politics. I dread election years because I hate the constant stream of garbage being thrown around by everyone- yes, everyone, I don't care which political party they affiliate with.

I hate to define myself in terms of politics. I don't really have a political stance, I have a philosophy of how I want to live my life and of how I think every human being alive has a right to live theirs.

People in this world don't have to agree with one another, progress wouldn't exist if no one was ever challenged, if no one ever had to defend a belief. But, when something comes down to basic rights of a human being, there is no one that can deny that to anyone, least of all a politician or the Church for that matter.

Love is love- I don't care if you're straight, gay/lesbian, bisexual or anything in between or beyond those definitions- you have every right to love the person you want to love. Period.

An individual has a right to do what they want with their own body- man or woman. As a woman who has been denied medically necessitated medication for years until the women's health act went into affect August 1st, I hold this one pretty close. No woman should be denied medical care of any sort by law and leave your religious convictions out of it. God is the only person who is going to judge anyone in the end, so stop using God to justify your hatred and bigotry because it's really not making any sense.

People at the margins of society should not be at the mercy of people who have never wanted for anything in their lives. I just don't buy it when a multimillionaire politician says they're going to fight for the middle class while they simultaneously line the pockets of the banks and businesses that are paying to get them into office. If you've never barely gotten by then you're not going to understand what it feels like anymore than I understand what it's like to have millions sitting in the bank and not a care in the world.

I usually don't throw my opinion out there on things like this more than in passing conversation. But I stumbled upon the picture at the top, and it resounded with me. That's how I want to live my life and I'm sick of hearing about political stances that don't take all people into concern.

End rant. I promise this new blog isn't going to be my personal soap box :)

Also! Worth noting- a year ago today I moved into the Mount. It's crazy how fast a year went by!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

So... Here I Am

Two weeks ago I completed the Benedicta Riepp program with the Benedictine Sisters of Erie, PA. I spent a year living, praying and working in the ministries of the sisters. I kept a blog during my year full of my exploits, triumphs, struggles and fun stories about being 20-something and living with 60 sisters. I learned more in a year than I ever could have imagined and made a family of wonderful women. I've recently relocated to Erie with my roommate who also did the program with me. Life on our own again is going to be quite the adjustment, but here it goes!

I've been out of the monastery for two weeks as of today. Today was also my first day back at the Mount since I left, as Alyssa and I went to liturgy this morning. It was a wonderful welcoming as countless sisters hugged me tightly and said "welcome home."

Walking in the doors for the first time in a year as a civilian (I'm exaggerating, work with me here) was interesting. There's a part of the Mount that will always be like home to me, but it definitely feels a little different. I'm in this weird in between phase- my apartment doesn't feel like home yet, and I'm no longer at the Mount. I'm adjusting, and it'll take a little while but it'll all feel right soon enough.

It was good to see everyone today, it made me so happy. I know my Sunday visit to the Mount will be a major highlight every week.

In other news- I completed my first week of work at St. Benedict's child development center. I'll be a floater in the classrooms which means I'll be working with all the age groups from little bitty infants all the way up to 5 and 6 year olds steps away from kindergarten. I'm sure I'll spend time in the kitchen or anywhere else I'm needed too. I'm pretty excited to be getting such a wide range of experience. I love the kids, the staff and the atmosphere at the daycare, and if my first week is any indication I'm really going to enjoy working there :)

I guess that'll do for now. I'm not sure how often I'll be updating right now, just stay tuned! I still need to figure out where I want to take this blog now. There is something about living in community with 60-something sisters that lended itself to entertaining and thought provoking writing. I'm still trying to get settled in my new place and in my new rhythm of life, so I guess settling the blog will come with that.

In the mean time, check out the links on the sidebar, there's some good stuff there!