Sunday, November 25, 2012

Give Thanks

I spent a wonderful couple of days with my family this past week. They came into town Tuesday night and stayed until Saturday morning for Thanksgiving. It was the first time they were able to come see my new apartment, and my very first time hosting a major holiday function. My Mom and I cooked dinner together on Thursday, we went shopping on Black Friday, we lounged around, we cracked jokes, we played board games and watched football. It was the perfect way to spend a holiday.

In the spirit of giving thanks and appreciating the blessings in my life, here are a few things I am extra thankful for:

1- My family. I don't get to see them as often as I'd like since I live in another state, but I appreciate every second we do spend together. My mom has been a constant support my whole life. My brother and sister are growing into wonderful young adults and I'm so proud of them. My dad, my step dad and my grandparents are special to me and I'm happy to have their love and support in my life.

2- My best friend. She keeps me in check and provides great support. We fight, we get on each other's nerves, but we care about each other no matter what. It's one of the greatest blessings in my life to have someone I can share so much with.

3- Friends, old and new. I'm thankful for the friends I've had since 5th grade, the ones I've made recently and everyone in between. The friends I have had over the years tell a story about my life. I'm happy to have good people in my life who I can have a good time with.

4- The sisters. I'm reminded every week of the great love and support within the walls of the Mount. I walk in on Sunday and it just surrounds me. I never get tired of the hugs and the kind words from everyone. Certain sisters are always checking in on Alyssa and I to see how we're doing and to give their blessings for the week ahead. I'm still amazed by how much the sisters and the monastery mean to me.

5- My job. I'm thankful everyday that I work at such a great place with such great people. I enjoy going to work everyday and I love the kiddos I work with. I'm learning new things in a field that I never thought I'd find myself working in, but it's all great experience for the journey ahead.

6- New beginnings at work. I spent the last couple of months working with the young toddlers and found it to be more challenging than I expected. Terrible Twos are not a joke! I would never say that I disliked working with that age group, but it definitely was not within my comfort zone. I'm happy to be returning back to preschool tomorrow in my favorite classroom.

7- My dog, Daisy. Anyone who knows me knows that my dog is my pride and joy. I'm thankful for a happy pup waiting for me at home everyday. She's always excited to see me and cheers me up no matter what kind of day I've had. There's nothing in this world quite like the unconditional love of a dog.

8- My apartment. It has taken a long time, and it's still getting there in some ways, but my apartment is a special place for me. I'm proud knowing Alyssa and I pay for this place every month and that it's ours to call our own. We decorate, we cook, we clean, we share this space with friends and family. I love coming home to a place I can call my own.

These are just a few things I am most thankful for. I've been trying to journal everyday about something I'm thankful for, and most of that will stay in the journal. It's a practice I'd like to keep up. It's hard to have a bad day when you focus on the good and capture it in writing. I want to give thanks everyday for God's blessings.

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